Dave thanks for your reply. I agree about Hillary. She was never a leader. She was merely a calculating political operator, more concerned with adapting to public opinion than offering a vision. Running on some tired list of bullet points and the intellectually insulting premise that it was ‘her time’ wasn’t good enough.
As for the dividend idea. I think it’s interesting. I tried doing some back of the envelope math on it. It’s hard to get above $2800 per household. Not bad, but not nearly enough for a basic income. I’ll take a look at it in more detail at some point.
Yes, sanity has exited the building. The right is far gone, but in many ways transparent about their service of rich donors while throwing wedge social issues to their base. What bothers me more about modern day progressives is the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy. They say they love diversity, but not of ideas. Shut those down. They say they love science, but elevate fake social science above hard sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, etc) to the detriment of truth, whenever they conflict with their dogma. They say they want equality, but many of the policies they support locally and nationally(NIMBY, property taxes, housing restrictions, 401K’s, 503B’s, mortgage deductions, etc) help perpetuate inequality. I could go on and on. They are on a terrible trajectory. Duane The Rock Johnson might be our last hope;)